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Mikrovolumenski spektrofotometri NanoDrop

V nekaj sekundah natančno kvantificirajte DNA, RNA in proteine v samo 1-2 μL vzorca s pomočjo spektrofotometrov Thermo Scientific NanoDrop. 

 Pionirska tehnologija zadrževanja vzorcev se je razvila, da vam prinese več znanja o vzorcu in da pospešite svoje raziskave. Celo najbolj koncetriran vzorci ne potrebujejo redčenja. Vzorec nanesete s pipeto, pomerite in to je to!


ND One female pipetting in lab   9482 0419


Selection Guide

Which NanoDrop instrument should you choose?


  NanoDrop One/OneC

  NanoDrop Eight

  NanoDrop Lite Plus 

 Product summary 

 Full-spectrum microvolume UV-Vis   measurements with a cuvette option in a single instrument

 High-throughput, full-spectrum   microvolume UV-Vis   measurements

 Basic microvolume   UV measurements

 Sampling options

 NanoDrop One: Pedestal only

 NanoDrop OneC: Pedestal and cuvette



 Measures 1–2 µL sample

 Dynamic range
 (ng/µL dsDNA)

 ng/µL for dsDNA

 ng/µL for dsDNA

 ng/µL for dsDNA

 Full-spectra data


 Pre-programmed methods for nucleic acids and proteins

 Measures nucleic acid A260

 Measures nucleic acid A260/A280 ratio

 Measures nucleic acid A260/A230 ratio

 Measures purified protein A280

 Measures protein and peptides at A205


 Measures protein A260/A280 ratio

 Pre-programmed methods for colorimetric assays (BCA,   Bradford, Lowry, Pierce 660)


 Custom methods


 Built-in cuvette option

 (NanoDrop OneC)


 Standalone local control

 Requires computer

 High-resolution touchscreen interface


 Measures fluorescent-labeled nucleic acid and protein samples using absorbance


 Measures a wide variety of fluorescence assays: RiboGreen™, PicoGreen™, GFP, BFP mutants, Hoechst, 4-MU, Quantum Dots, OPA, DyLite™, Alexa Fluor™, etc.


 Measures multiple fluorophores from a single sample


 Autoblank and Automeasure


 Acclaro contaminant identification


 21 CFR Part 11 regulatory compliance

 Optional Security Suite Software

 Optional SciVault Software


 Password-protected access

 Optional Security Suite Software

 Optional SciVault Software


 Embedded technical support **


 Enhanced connectivity (Wi-Fi and Bluetooth™)


 Thermo Fisher Connect (cloud enabled)


*Lowest detection limit is 0.2 ng/µL with 10 mm cuvette.

**Instrument is delivered with English software and help. Language packs can be downloaded from our website

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